четвъртък, 17 март 2011 г.


Title: Washington Report: NACS Retailers Storm the Hill
Description: NACS retailers conducted meetings on Capitol Hill earlier in the week as well.
Page Content:

2011 Day on the Hill Recap
On a stormy day in Washington yesterday over 100 retailers took to Capitol Hill to educate members of Congress on the convenience and fuel retail industry and provide real life examples of their businesses.

The halls of Congress were crowded but NACS members navigated their way to more than 185 meetings in both the House and Senate.� The focus of the day was to relay the importance of swipe fee reform to our industry and make sure Representatives knew that we are opposed to any delay or repeal of the Durbin amendment which was included as part of the financial services overhaul last year.

Reports are still coming in but our overall purpose was achieved in that we updated long time members with the latest information on debit card reform and introduced the issue to new members of Congress.

NACS Legislative Committee Chairman Brad Call of Maverick, Inc. said, ?What a great day on Capitol Hill! Our ?little army? of convenience retailers was out in force educating members of Congress and advocating the NACS position on the issues that so profoundly affect our businesses. We made real progress today furthering the legislative agenda so important to our membership.?

Not only did NACS retailers conduct meetings on Capitol Hill earlier in the week they also participated in in-depth issue briefings and a workshop on how to lobby Congress. Everyone?s hard work was rewarded with a fantastic VIP nighttime tour of the U.S. Capitol.� NACS members participated in guided tours and were able to roam the Capitol free of crowds and even had the rare privilege of sitting on the House floor- in the exact spots that House members vote and the State of the Union takes place.

2011 set a high standard for NACS Day on the Hill and our goals for growth next year are sky high. While the NACS Government Relations team consistently works hard to lobby and educate Congress there is no comparison to the value of a retailer telling their side of the story and putting a face on the issues of our industry.

As a follow up to all of our meetings NACS retailers need to send their own members of Congress more letters on protecting swipe fee reform. Go to nacsonline.com/grassroots to take action today.

Stay tuned for announcements for next year?s NACS Day on the Hill. Dates will be announced soon.

NACS Staff Contact: John Eichberger, jeichberger@nacsonline.com

Content Subject: Government Relations
Formatted Article Date: March 11, 2011

find and rely really nice stories read and know nasa

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