събота, 4 февруари 2012 г.


Title: Mississippi Committee OKs Repeal of Convenience Store Security Law
Description: Opponents maintain the law unfairly singles out convenience store owners, creating a financial burden for compliance.
Page Content:

JACKSON, MS ? As expected, the Jackson Planning Committee voted unanimously earlier this week to repeal a new law requiring 24-hour convenience stores to employ security guards at night, the Jackson Clarion-Ledger reports.

The ordinance had been proposed in response to numerous late-night shootings at convenience stores, though opponents said it unfairly targeted their businesses. It also would have required the stores to file a security plan with the city.

?I think it was well-intentioned, but to single out one set of business owners could be a problem,? said Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell, sponsor of the repeal.

?An overwhelming majority of [convenience store owners] were not in favor of this because it would strain their resources,? said committee chairman Tony Yarber.

Opponents also argued that the law is unenforceable because it doesn?t specify penalties for those who do not comply.

The city?s full council is expected to consider the repeal next week.

Content Subject: Operations
Formatted Article Date: February 2, 2012

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