неделя, 22 май 2011 г.


Title: Reid Backs Durbin in Swipe Fees Battle
Description: The Senate leader says he will support Sen. Durbin?s position on debit card swipe fees and not side with Sen. Tester.
Page Content:

WASHINGTON ? The Hill characterized Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) as ?walking a tightrope? among colleagues as the swipe fee battle continues. However, Reid has said he will support Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) when Senator Jon Tester?s (D-MT) reform-delay amendment comes to the Senator floor for a vote.�

?Senator Tester is grateful that Senator Reid has agreed to prioritize this vote on the floor,? said Aaron Murphy, Tester?s spokesperson.

The vote could come as early as next week during Senate debate of the Patriot Act reauthorization, a move that has drawn sharp criticism from some, a ?clumsy effort to rewrite banking laws through national security legislation,? according to The Hill.

?That would be a bizarre choice for a legislative vehicle,? said a Senate Democratic aide. ?It would raise serious germaneness questions, to say nothing of playing politics with national security.?

The Fed will finalize its rules by July 21, so any proposal to delay them must pass both chambers and receive the president?s signature.

Content Subject: Government Relations
Formatted Article Date: May 18, 2011

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