четвъртък, 28 април 2011 г.


Title: Running on Empty
Description: AAA reports rising gasoline costs are prompting motorists to stretch the distance driven between fill ups, the result of which is a rising number of stranded motorists.
Page Content:

PHOENIX and PHILADELPHIA ? AAA-Phoenix and AAA-Philadelphia have reported a rising number of calls from stranded motorists who have run out of gas, ABC15.com and MyFoxPhilly.com report.

"Motorists are running out of fuel and they're calling to request we bring them fuel so they can get back on the road," said AAA-Phoenix spokesperson Michelle Donati.

Through the first three-and-a-half months of this year, calls for AAA-Phoenix?s two-gallon re-fill are up nearly seven percent, which the association attributes to motorists trying to squeeze every last drop from their tank.

"It does appear motorists are trying to stretch the miles they get out of every tank and unfortunately that may result in folks running out of fuel while they're on the road," said Donati.

In Philadelphia, the number of people running out of gas and calling for help is up 13 percent, which FoxPhilly.com speculated could mean drivers are stretching their tanks in search of the station with the lowest price. However, it also noted that a AAA membership entitles members to three free gallons of gasoline, and that many motorists ?just can?t afford the $12 it costs for those three gallons and [they want to get] something back for their AAA membership.?

Content Subject: Petroleum Retailing
Formatted Article Date: April 21, 2011

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