неделя, 26 юни 2011 г.


Title: Rep. Kline Slams NLRB Unionization Plan
Description: The chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee slams the NLRB?s proposal to shorten the period workers have to consider a vote to join a union.
Page Content:

WASHINGTON ? Rep. John Kline (R-MN), chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, sharply criticized earlier this week proposed new rules from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that would shorten the period workers have to consider a vote to join a union.

Kline said in a statement that the NLRB, dominated by appointees of President Obama, ?continues to push an activist agenda at the expense of our nation?s workforce?Not only will this misguided proposal to expedite union elections undermine an employer?s lawful right to communicate with his or her employees, it will cripple a worker?s ability to make an informed decision.

?The board is rushing a flawed proposal through a flawed process that will result in limited public scrutiny and congressional input. For the sake of the nation?s workers and job creators, I urge the board to scrap this reckless proposal and abandon its job-destroying agenda,? he said.

Traditionally, workplace elections can take up to two months to be held after a union gathers sufficient signatures to file a petition. The new plan could reduce that time by days or even weeks by simplifying the procedures, deferring litigation, and setting shorter hearing and filing deadlines.

Labor movement leaders, however, applauded the NLRB proposal. Service Employees International Union�President�Mary Kay Henry�said the�proposal represents ?a positive step for workers who want to exercise their fundamental right to decide for themselves whether to form a union.?

?Too many workers have seen their efforts to join together on the job defeated by costly litigation and delaying tactics by their employer,? she said. ?Many never get the chance to make their voices heard at the ballot box. This rule change would protect a right that is central to our democracy ? the right to vote.?

Kline vowed earlier this week to fight the implementation of the new rules. ?I will continue to oppose any efforts to undermine these fundamental principles,? he said.

Content Subject: Government Relations
Formatted Article Date: June 23, 2011

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