вторник, 29 ноември 2011 г.


Title: Thorntons Reopens Store With Fresh Foods
Description: Suburban Chicago store offers fresh ideas with a ?one-stop-shop? experience.
Page Content: LOUISVILLE, KY ? Thorntons announced earlier this week the reopening of its Bloomingdale, Illinois store at 190 East Lake Street.
The newly designed store offers high quality fresh foods including sandwiches, salads, and fruits, along with premium-blend coffees and fountain drinks. The store also offers standard Thorntons specialties such as ?hot off the grill? food items, beverages made with 100 percent filtered water and fresh produce.
As part of the store reopening, Thorntons is offering several promotions, detailed on its website, along with weekly giveaways.
Thorntons operates 162 stores throughout Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee and Ohio.
For more on offering fresh food programs in convenience stores see the December issue of NACS Magazine and the Category Close-Up on perishable groceries, featuring insights by Thorntons.
Content Subject: Corporate
Formatted Article Date: November 29, 2011

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