понеделник, 28 март 2011 г.


Title: Colorado House to Finally Vote on Beer Proposal
Description: A House committee okayed a proposal that would let convenience stores stock full-strength beer.
Page Content:

DENVER ? For the first time, the full Colorado House will debate a bill that will let convenience and grocery stores sell full-strength beer, the Denver Post reports. On Thursday, the House Economic and Business Development Committee approved the measure, sending it to the House floor.

?Now, we'll at least be able to have a debate that we've never had before,? said Rep. Larry Liston, who sponsored the bill. He said that there was ?a lot of work? still to be done to get the 33 votes necessary for the measure to pass the House.

To court the favor of liquor store owners, the bill contains amendments that would let them stock certain foods and to own more than one location. Prior bills that would allow convenience and grocery stores to offer full-strength beer all died in committee.

This year, the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 has been supportive of the bill, saying that it would create more jobs. If approved, the changes would not start until July 1, 2012.

Content Subject: Operations
Formatted Article Date: March 28, 2011

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